Community planning: Marketing
  • introduction
  • logos and posters
  • Statistics

Communityplanning,net relies on a wide range of individuals and organisations to support its continuing progress and to advertise the site's content . We are always looking for partners to carry on promoting the site and we will do eveything possible to make these relationships easy and mutually beneficial.

If you want to advertise, link to or sponsor please use the logos, posters and cards which are available here to download or copy.

If you are interested in promoting yourself, your site or your organisation the statistical summaries could be of interest. There is also information about funding and costs at sitefundingpolicy.php

If you want more details advertising or sponsorship please contact us at

These site statistics were compiled at the end of February.

Visitors by country

Visitor numbers for the top 10 countries
(People from 104 countries visited the site in February.)top 10 countries
Visits by month

Visits increasing month by month
(Predictably Christmas has created an anomaly for December}visitor nimbers for February
Pages opened by month

Pages opened each month.
(Many pages contain other, 'tabbed' pages which are not recorded here.) pages seen each month

If you want more details please contact us at

Last updated on:29 March 2009